Higher Sec. School Yoga Teacher Course
- Age : 18 or above
- Duration : 6 Months
- Seats :50
- Eligibility : Graduation
- 25000

Primary/Elementary School Yoga Teacher Course
- Age : 18 or above
- Duration : 3 Months
- Seats: 50
- Eligibility : 10 + 2
- 20000

Yoga Wellness Instructor
- Age : 18 or above
- Duration : 6 Months
- Seats: 50
- Eligibility : 10 + 2
- 15000

- We are govt affiliated institution
- Training by renowned yoga Professional
- 400+ student placed in govt or private organisations
- 5000+ Students trained by yoga professional

Our Natural Products

- Natural Environment
- Online and Offline Classes
- 100% Job placement assistance
- Govt affiliated institution
- International Recognition
- 100% theory and practical classes
- Training by renowned yoga professionals

Having completed the yoga wellness instructor and volunteer course over the last 4-5 months, I'm immensely grateful to Mr. Satyendra Singh Sevarthy and his team for delivering the best yoga training. His team's supportive and motivative attitude has impacted me very much in pursuing this course.
Veena P
Bangalore, Karnataka

मैंने 'जागृति योग एवं नैचुरोपैथी संस्थान'* से योग टीचर का डिप्लोमा किया। बस यही नहीं योग से मैं कई स्वास्थ्य संबंधी जटिलताओं को दूर करने में सक्षम रही। डाक्टर ललिता मैम, डाक्टर सत्येन्द्र सर आप के शिक्षण के लिए तहेदिल से शुक्रिया आपके मार्गदर्शन में विभिन्न योग तकनीकों को सीखने में सक्षम हुईं आपके साथ योग शिक्षण में अनुभव शानदार रहा। वास्तव में यह अविस्मरणीय था।
Anjali Singh
kullu manali

It is very good experience and very useful personally for my health . Certification helped me and now I am Yoga teacher in kinder garden school ,also I am teaching Yoga and take classes for elder ladies .
Veena G Munavalli
Varthur Bangalore

Thank you Satyendra ji, Rohita ma'm Kashmira ma'm for guiding us and teaching us with lot of patience and educating us in yoga techniques We will miss you and our enthusiastic friends from tomorrow we learnt many things, tips and finer points in this wonderful journey our whole hearted gratitude to all the teachers A big Thank you to all
Rangamani Rao
- Delhi Centre: 13/A New Basti Devli, Khanpur, South Delhi, Delhi 110080
- Jagriti Yoga anda Naturopathy Sansthan Vill. Partapur, Bhogaon, distt Mainpuri UP