Jagriti Yoga , Naturopathy And Panchkarma Treatments

Revitalize Your Body, Mind, And Spirit With The Healing Powers Of Naturecure And Yoga.

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अगर आप गठिया से पीड़ित हैं और कई इलाजों के बाद भी राहत नहीं मिली या घुटनों की सर्जरी की सलाह दी गई है, तो भी चिंता मत करें—हमारी विशेषज्ञता आपकी मदद के लिए है।

हम प्राकृतिक चिकित्सा और आयुर्वेद के द्वारा दर्द, मोटापा, पेट के रोग, किडनी रोग, मधुमेह, लो या हाई बीपी, अनिद्रा, थायराइड, त्वचा रोग, पीसीओडी जैसी समस्याओं का प्रभावी इलाज उपलब्ध कराते हैं।

अगर आपका वजन बढ़ गया है, लिवर में वसा जमा है, कोलेस्ट्रॉल उच्च है, और डॉक्टर ने एंजियोप्लास्टी की सलाह दी है, तो भी आश्वस्त रहें; हमारे पास इसका समाधान है।

Full body deep tissue Detoxification

Neurotherapy: ( it’s a Drugless and painless therapy)

Panchkarma Treatments

समदोष: समाग्निश्च समधातु मलक्रिया:। प्रसन्नात्मेन्द्रियमना: स्वस्थ इत्यभिधीयते।।

'Pancha' 'Karma' The Five Therapies

Panchakarma is an Ayurvedic set of five therapies that balance Doshas (the fundamental energies), strengthens Agni (digestive fire), detoxifies ama (toxins) and rejuvenates the entire body—the result—a sense of good health that promotes happiness.

Panchakarma does not just treat diseases, it ensures health!

Ayurveda recommends Panchakarma at least twice a year for healthy individuals, speak with a Jiva Panchakarma specialist to know more.

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Why should one undergo a Panchakarma therapy?

Stress, natural pollutants and poor lifestyle decisions make a lethal load on the body that—if left in the tissues and circulation system results in poor health.

Panchakarma turns around this degenerative procedure rapidly and its impact is quite significant and long lasting. Panchakarma utilizes a combination of massage, home grown saunas, special foods and nutritional directives, mellow fasting and colon treatments to free the body from accumulated toxins.

Your own Panchakarma program starts with an intensive exam by an Ayurvedic Physician, which empowers the specialist to prescribe a therapy according to an individual’s wellbeing. As your Panchakarma medicines advances, you will be given a special ayurvedic diet routine mixed with specific medicinal plants and basic oils to use at home. These will help animate your liver and stomach related organs, helping them to cleanse toxins.

Vamana therapy is used in the treatment of respiratory conditions like allergies, sinusitis, and metabolic conditions such as obesity. During the therapy, patients undergo preparatory measures or Purvakarma, followed by the ingestion of medicated herbal decoctions to induce vomiting. The process is supervised by trained Ayurveda doctors to ensure safety and efficacy. After the therapy, patients experience improved digestion, respiratory function, and overall well-being along with symptom alleviation.

Virechana, a key part of Panchakarma in Ayurveda, is a detoxification procedure that purges accumulated toxins from the body, restoring balance to the Doshas and rejuvenating vitality.

It is particularly beneficial for addressing most GI disorders, metabolic disorders like obesity, and chronic skin conditions like psoriasis and vitiligo. Patients undergo Purvakarma preparations followed by consuming specialized herbal formulations to induce controlled purgation. This process is closely monitored by experienced practitioners to ensure safety and effectiveness.

Nasya therapy is a key procedure in Panchakarma, a detoxification modality in Ayurveda medicine, that eliminates toxins from the body. It is particularly beneficial for treating disorders related to the head, neck, and respiratory system, such as sinusitis, headaches, allergies, and neurological conditions. Nasya therapy uses therapeutic substances such as medicated ghee, oil or herbal powders through the nasal route to clear nasal passages, improve respiratory function, and restore Dosha balance. In Dinacharya, Nasya therapy is recommended daily for maintaining overall well-being and mental clarity.

In basti karma the medicated oil or medicated decoction is administered through the anal route. Basti treatment used to remove excess vata dosha from the body . In ayurvedic classics basti having broader therapeutic action on almost all the tissues of the body and has rejuvenative, curative , preventive and health promotive actions Basti have been categorized into various types according to ingredient & number of basti.
Raktamokshana, a therapeutic para-surgical practice in Ayurveda, focuses on eliminating vitiated blood from the body to address various health concerns. It is a crucial part of the Panchakarma therapy. This specialized technique comprises methods such as incision, venesection, leech therapy, and cupping, each targeting specific conditions and areas of the body. Raktamokshana is useful to detoxify the blood, improve circulation, and alleviate conditions like skin disorders, arthritis, and certain chronic ailments by removing toxins and promoting better blood flow.

Completely purifies the body

A holistic detoxification process rooted in Ayurveda.

Riddance of toxins

Effectively eliminates toxins through advanced purification techniques, promoting overall wellness and balance.

Speeding up the metabolism

Accelerates metabolism to boost energy levels and support efficient weight management.

Reducing weight

Leveraging traditional Ayurvedic techniques to balance the body and optimize metabolic processes.

Enhancing the strength of digestive fire

Using traditional Ayurvedic methods to improve digestion and overall metabolic function.

Opening up of blocked channels

Promoting natural healing and restoring balanced energy flow in the body.

Relaxing the mind and body

Using natural methods to reduce stress and enhance overall well-being.

Rejuvenation of tissues

Facilitates the rejuvenation of tissues, enhancing cellular repair and vitality through natural and holistic methods.

Boosts Immunity

Strengthens the immune system, enhancing the body's ability to defend against illnesses and maintain overall health.

Relieves stress

Alleviates stress through holistic techniques, promoting relaxation and mental well-being.


Promotes physical and mental well-being through Yoga, integrating poses, breathing exercises, and mindfulness to enhance flexibility, strength, and relaxation.

Why should one undergo a Panchakarma therapy?

Panchakarma can bring limitless benefits to the individual, it helps in

Panchakarma is an Ayurvedic set of five therapies that balance Doshas (the fundamental energies), strengthens Agni (digestive fire), detoxifies ama (toxins) and rejuvenates the entire body—the result—a sense of good health that promotes happiness.


Skin & Hair Problems

Joint Disorders

Neurological Issues

Respiratory Diseases

Liver Problems

Blood Impurities

Anorectal Problems


Yoga therapy offers a safe and effective method to enhance mobility and function while reducing pain, all without adverse side effects.

Other physical benefits of yoga include:


Ready to personalize your Panchakarma session?

Consult with a JYANS specialist to personalize your session, tailoring it to your unique health needs from over 40 of our most sought-after therapies.

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